Notching a leggy curry leaf plant
If you do not want to prune the curry leaf plant, you can instead notch the bark of the tree to stimulate new branch growth.Notching can be a helpful technique to stimulate new branch growth on a curry leaf tree. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to notch a curry...
Propagating through air layering
Before your prune your curry leaf tree, consider air layering the part that you want to prune off the curry tree.
Buying and growing a Cacao Tree in Europe: 7 Essential tips
Excited about the idea of harvesting your own cocao beans from your own tree? Or are you just passionate about cultivating exotic plants? Growing a cacao tree (botanical name: Theobroma Cacao) can be a unique and rewarding experience, offering the satisfaction of nurturing a tropical plant and witnessing its growth...
How and when to prune a curry leaf tree?
Pruning is an important aspect of maintaining a healthy and productive curry leaf tree. Curry trees tend to grow leggy if they are not being pruned. Here are some general guidelines on when and how to prune a curry leaf plant.